Jsonata Fluid Value

Class Library
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What It Is

A Fluid value to extract data from JSON to query or output into a Fluid template


Last Reviewed:

I use it on this site. Honestly, there is very little code in this class – most of the logic is in the underlying JsonataDoc code.


This is a Fluid value to extract data from JSON to query or output into a Fluid template.

.query returns an ArrayValue of JsonataValue objects.

var json = GetABunchOfJsonFromSomewhere();
templateContext.SetValue("json", new JsonValue(json));

.value will always return the value as a string.

{% for item in json.query("$.data.items") %}
  <li>{{ item.value("$.title") }}</li>
{% endfor %}

Again, this just wraps my JSONata wrapper, so anything that works there will probably work here too.