Preston So on CMS History and Current Status

From Issue #46

Preston So (newly with Oracle) delivered a bang-up talk to the Boye and Co CMS Experts group:

A New Grand Compromise in Content Management

(Link goes to a blog post with the video embedded at the bottom.)

It was a wide-ranging discussion about where CMS has been and where it’s going, with particular emphasis on the current schism between headless and traditional systems, and the “holy grail” (Preston’s words) of effective presentation management.

[Preston] looked to fields as diverse as geology and motivational psychology and expanded our sights to dimensions beyond the static web to forge a new grand compromise between content editors and marketers and their engineering counterparts […]

I liked the talk so much that I’ve assigned it as extra credit to some of my CMS students.

This is item #225 in a sequence of 305 items.

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