“Tabor Evangelical Church”


(Note: any text in italics has been taken from the official SDSHS records.)

Marker Text

This marker commemorates the courage, sacrifice, and faithful devotion of the pioneer families of the Evangelical faith who settled in this vicinity of Deuel County, South Dakota. In the early days of settlement, services were held in the homes or schoolhouses. They were led by one of the members when the pastor could not be present.

On November 8, 1888, this site was purchased. The Tabor Evangelical Church was erected and served by pastors from Watertown, South Dakota.

In 1903, the Zion Evangelical Church was organized in the city of Clear Lake, South Dakota. Together the two parishes built a parsonage and called a resident pastor to serve both congregations.

In 1959, the Zion and Tabor congregations united, maintaining the Church in Clear Lake, now known as the Evangelical United Brethren Church.

Many of the graves in the nearby cemetery are those of pioneers of this area and founders of the Tabor Church. It is to the memory of their wisdom and vision; their faith and trust in God that this marker is dedicated.


Deuel County, SD 22 -8 miles east of Clear Lake (1988)

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