Imaginary Libraries
Every once in a while, I play around with Microsoft’s image creator to create an imaginary library. I do this when I think of something else to try. I’ve archived them here.
The description is the actual prompt I used for the image creation. I included a note if I had something to say about it.
You can click an image for a larger version.
There are 18 creations here.
"a library with a comfortable reading chair, a bunch of plants, and a hot cup of coffee tucked into the back corner of a busy coffeeshop"
Note: I was sitting in a Starbucks when I did this.

"a library in the Elven city of Rivendell with a balcony that looks out over a waterfall"
Note: I had just watched the Lord of the Rings films over the weekend…

"a library in a beachfront cabana, looking out onto the sand and the water"

"a massive library in a log cabin, with high ceilings and a mezzanine level, a big stone fireplace, massive overstuffed armchair, a couple of dogs sleeping in front of the fire, a Christmas tree in the corner, and huge windows out onto the snowy forest"
Note: I tinkered with this one for quite a while. It didn’t have the vibe I wanted until I added the Christmas theme.

"a library inside a cave"
Note: Honestly, I did not expect much from this, but I loved it.

"a steampunk library from the 1800s in an office perched on top of a giant walking robot with a mechanical, steam-powered servant in the background"
Note: Really not at all what I asked for, given the description – it confused the role of the “giant walking robot” I had requested. But still amazing, so I’ll take it.

Mouse Nook
"an old-fashioned reading nook underneath some stairs, with a comfortable chair, disorganized shelves of books, a steaming mug of hot chocolate, and a tiny mouse sitting on a shelf reading a book"
Note: None of the mice are sitting on a shelf, as requested. I kind of wanted the mouse in the background, but instead it became the central focus.

"a library set in the clouds of the in the magical city of Asgard – home of the gods of Thor and Zeus – with incredibly high ceilings, marble columns, and stained glass windows"

"a library in in a realistic castaway tree house made from wood from a sunken ship, with books salvaged from ship and a monkey sleeping in a hammock with a view out over the sea"
Note: I had to specify “realistic” or else this came out a little cartooney. Also, there’s a perfectly good ship floating in the water in one of these pics, which I find kind of funny.

Haunted House
"a library in a haunted house at night with lots of dust and cobwebs and a ghostly apparition in the background"
Note: I wanted a “ghost dog” sleeping on the floor in these, but AI was not good at that – I kept getting a realistic dog with whispy white smoke floating off it; in one image, it literally just had a dog with a white sheet draped over it. When I changed it to “ghostly apparition,” this one got a little scary.

High Rise
"a sophisticated library on the top floor of a downtown penthouse, with high ceilings and huge windows looking out over the city at night"

"a library underwater in the ancient ruins of Atlantis"
Note: I spent no time tweaking this one. Used a short prompt, and this was the first round.

Under the Sea
"a library in an underwater room with a big window to the water outside and a Jules Verne theme"
Note: The lighting is just great in this one. In every image, it just nailed the light being filtered through the water and the glass.

"a futuristic yet comfortable library onboard a spaceship with soft lighting, lush alien plant life, a big window to the stars, super comfy chairs, and a lovable cuddly alien animal sleeping on the floor"
Note: This one ended up a little cartooney, which I guess is just the result of it being a fictional thing at the core – there are no actual places like this, so it was inventing it from scratch.

Explorer's Den
"a table in an old library strewn with books, notes, and maps, with soft lighting and a vintage desk lamp"

Blanket Fort
"the inside of a blanket fort, with a pillow, a bowl of popcorn, a book, a flashlight, and an inquisitive cat"

Forest Patio
"a secluded, elevated, covered patio overlooking a lush forest on an overcast day after a rainstorm with a comfortable couch and chair, a blanket, a mug of hot chocolate, a book, and a sleeping dog"

The Classic
"an old, overstuffed library at nighttime, with a fireplace and a comfy armchair (with ottoman) and stacks of books everywhere and a sleeping cat"