Site Check Report
Generated on March 28, 2025 00:08 ()
Reviewed 31 rule(s) on 6915 resource(s).
Oldest resource cached on March 28, 2025 00:00
0 Retrieval Error(s)
6 Audit Issue(s)
Large pagehttp://localhost/blog/; 216KB
Self-referential linkLink text: View the full table of contents
Self-referential linkLink text: View the full table of contents
Mismatched parantheticals
Open quotation marks
Fully-Qualified Local Linkan HTML web component
31 Rule(s) Checked
Common transpositions
Contains any of a collection of common transposition mistakes
Total eval time: 749ms | Pass token: common-transpositions -
Consecutive dashes
More than one dash appears consecutively in body text
Total eval time: 2,185ms | Pass token: consecutive-dashes -
Consecutive periods
More than one period appears consecutively in body text
Total eval time: 1,721ms | Pass token: consecutive-periods -
Contains BR tag
Page contains a BR tag which is not in a BLOCKQUOTE
Total eval time: 72ms | Pass token: line-break -
Contains consecutive BLOCKQUOTEs
Page contains consecutive BLOCKQUOTE tags with no tag in-between
Total eval time: 62ms | Pass token: consecutive-blockquotes -
Contains deprecated attributes
Page contains one of several deprecated HTML attributes (clear, border, valign, etc.)
Total eval time: 595ms | Pass token: old-attributes -
Contains deprecated tags
Page contains one of several deprecated HTML tags (B, I, FONT, etc.)
Total eval time: 190ms | Pass token: old-tags -
Contains unprocessed Markdown
Page appears to contain unprocessed Markdown code
Total eval time: 5,859ms | Pass token: unprocessed-markdown -
Empty heading
Page contains an H1, H2, or H3 tag exists with no content
Total eval time: 81ms | Pass token: empty-heading -
Empty page
Page has no P tag inside the MAIN tag
Total eval time: 33ms | Pass token: empty-page -
Empty sequence
Page contains a sequence counter showing 0 items
Total eval time: 76ms | Pass token: empty-sequence -
Fully-Qualified Local Link
Page contains a link which is absolute to
Total eval time: 108ms | Pass token: fully-qual-local-link -
Invalid H1 usage
The page contains zero or more than one H1 tag
Total eval time: 69ms | Pass token: invalid-h1 -
Invalid heading structure
Page contains an H2 without a prior H1, or an H3 without a prior H2
Total eval time: 156ms | Pass token: invalid-headings -
Invalid hyperlink formatting
Page contains an A tag immediately preceded by an alphanumeric character
Total eval time: 30ms | Pass token: invalid-link-formatting -
Invalid Open Graph image
Page has no "image" meta, or the image path specified is relative
Total eval time: 28ms | Pass token: no-og-image -
Large page
Page is over 30KB
Total eval time: 2ms | Pass token: large-page -
Link missing trailing slash
Page contains a local link which does not contain a dot or end in a trailing slash
Total eval time: 75ms | Pass token: no-trailing-slash -
Links with no text
Page contains an A tag with no inner text
Total eval time: 87ms | Pass token: empty-links -
Local links with consecutive slashes
Page contains a local link with two consecutive slashes
Total eval time: 46ms | Pass token: consecutive-slashes -
Long page slug
Page slug is greater than 50 characters
Total eval time: 4ms | Pass token: long-page-slug -
"mailto" link
Page contains a "mailto" link
Total eval time: 2,123ms | Pass token: mailto-link -
Mismatched parantheticals
Open and closing parentheses are not matched
Total eval time: 2,271ms | Pass token: parentheticals -
Missing or empty TITLE tag
Page does not contain a TITLE tag or it has no text.
Total eval time: 58ms | Pass token: bad-title -
No PDF notice in link text
Page contains a link to a URL that ends ".pdf" but the text of the link does not contain "(PDF)"
Total eval time: 82ms | Pass token: no-pdf-warning -
Page has at least five (5) H2 tags, but no in-page table of contents.
Total eval time: 41ms | Pass token: no-toc -
Old Gadgetopia Link
Page contains a link is to an old-format Gadgetopia post.
Total eval time: 52ms | Pass token: old-gadgetopia-link -
Open quotation marks
Page has an odd number of double quotes
Total eval time: 2,114ms | Pass token: open-quotes -
Page references a remote resource
Page contains a LINK, SCRIPT, or IMG tag which points to a domain other than
Total eval time: 94ms | Pass token: remote-resource -
Self-referential link
Page has a link back to itself
Total eval time: 65ms | Pass token: self-rel-link -
Unprocessed templating code
Page contains what appears to be unprocessed templating code.
Total eval time: 3,937ms | Pass token: unprocessed-templating