The Alchemist

TLDR: “Supposedly important and notable, but I didn’t really get it.”

Book review by Deane Barker tags: fiction

This is a fable. It was written by a Brazilian author in 1988, and has something of a cult following. A friend recommended it.

It’s a story that’s also intended as self-improvement (I think…?).

It’s about an ancient Spanish shepherd who travels into Africa to find his destiny. He has a dream about treasure, and goes looking for it in Egypt.

(Fun coincidence: I read this while in Barcelona for business. On that same trip, I drove up to Andorra, so I spent some time traveling the Spanish countryside.)

It’s fairly episodic. The boy encounters people all along the way (including, towards the end, and alchemist, though I can’t figure out why he rated the title of the book – he didn’t seem like a major character). He has adventures and setbacks, but keeps pressing forward.

The book isn’t written in a modern style. It’s written as if it was produced 100 years earlier.

Honestly, I didn’t really get it. The story doesn’t seem to have a point, other than something really hackneyed like, “follow your dreams” or “the real treasure was the people we met along the way” or…something.

I managed to get the illustrated hardcover version, which is lovely. Wonderful color paintings and heavy paper.

Book Info

Paulo Coelho
  • I have read this book. According to my records, I completed it on .
  • A hardcover copy of this book is currently in my home library.

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