Content tagged with "lgbt"

November 23, 2021

“The NY Times, in an article entitled Where Did BIPOC Come From? claims this tweet is the first usage: Shout out to @EricPride @ToTNG @MissHC @Aim_4_Greatness & @headonist Thanks for supporting/following us #GrindToronto #BIPOC #Toronto The article quoted a journalism professor: ‘The black and…”

Is God anti-gay?: And other questions about homosexuality, the Bible and same-sex attraction
Book Review
April 18, 2021

“Let me first say this: my review here is not necessarily an endorsement of Sam Allberry’s specific views. But I am saying that this is a very well-written book, from an objective stance. Allberry is an English pastor who ‘experiences same-sex attraction’ (SSA). Those are his words. He doesn’t refer…”