Rogue Protocol

Book review by Deane Barker tags: fiction, science-fiction, murderbot

I keep buying these Murderbot books for some reason. I tend to get them on Kindle when I travel.

They’re short. You can read one in 90 minutes.

They remind me all the world of a primetime action show. Every episode has some self-contained story that will never come up again, and every episode moves you closer to some larger goal of the main characters.

There are two separate story arcs – the episode, and the larger series.

Honestly, it’s been a week since I read this one, and I barely remember the plot. There was a lot of action, I remember, and an extended action sequence that probably took up the last third of the book.

I feel like these things are the pulp fiction of Kindle. They seem to win a lot of awards, but I find them both enjoyable and forgettable, which is weird.

(Also, I finally did some research, and found out that Murderbot has no gender. I still imagine it as female, for whatever reason.)

Book Info

Martha Wells
  • I have read this book. According to my records, I completed it on .
  • I own an electronic copy of this book.

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