Firewood Happens: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness in Minnesota’s Northwoods
TLDR: “Lovely collection of essays on cabin life. Peaceful read.”

This is a lovely, contemplative book of essays about cabin life in the Detroit Lake area of Minnesota. I bought up there at a gift store. The author is apparently a local, and this is his first collection of essays.
The author owns a one-room cabin with no plumbing. He spends a lot of time up there. He hunts and fishes and… reflects, then he writes about it.
I couldn’t really relate to the outdoors aspect of it (I’m not much of an outdoorsman), but I bought it after spending a weekend in the area, and I totally get the vibe. There’s a peacefulness to it that’s hard to beat.
This book isn’t going to change your life. But I read one essay a day (they’re 2-3 pages), and I always enjoyed picking it up.
Book Info
- I have read this book. According to my records, I completed it on .
- A softcover copy of this book is currently in my home library.
Here are some notes I took on the acquisition of this book:
Bought it at a gift shop in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, where the author is a local.