Content tagged with “apologetics” under “My Library”
There are 7 item(s) tagged with “apologetics” in this section.
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“I’m going to have to read this book again. Slower, maybe in a group. This is a book of philosophy that attempts to prove, logically, that belief in God is rational, and that atheistic arguments to the contrary are not valid. It’s roughly divided into three parts: Belief in God is rational Science…”

“A lovely, contemplative book about the idea of a higher power and all the imprints that has left on humans and the human condition. The point is not laser-focused. It doesn’t build to a larger point or big conclusion. Each chapter is a meditation on some aspect of how the human world intersects…”

“This is a book in favor of intelligent design – of the idea of creationism – which I’ve historically been very skeptical of. The promise is right there in the title: Darwinism, or naturalistic evolution, is at odds with Christianity and must be ‘defeated.’ The author is a law professor at at UC…”

“This is a re-read from 25 years ago. It should probably go down as one of the great ‘new apologetics.’ Greg Boyd was a seminary professor, and his father was agnostic. The book is a series of letters they exchanged about faith over three years. The father raised virtually every single complaint and…”

“Stroebel was a Chicago crime reporter, and he approaches his investigation to the divinity of Jesus with an analytical bent. Each chapter is an examination of one aspect of doubt, and to resolve it, he interviews one noted scholar in that field. Here are the questions, which are a good…”