Content tagged with “product-management” under “My Library”
There are 4 item(s) tagged with “product-management” in this section.
See items tagged with “product-management” across the entire site.
Other tags used by these items: business
“A solid primer on product management – how to figure out what features you should built into your product. The gist is that you need to concentrate on outcomes, not features. You don’t add features to your product, you really try to achieve outcomes for your company. The running example in the book…”

“So, this book is no-doubt effective for certain type of demo and a certain type of sales process – something like ‘churn and burn.’ The methodology and mindset being pushed here is not consultative. Rather, it’s blitzkrieg-style – pushy used car salesman. This might be appropriate for what you’re…”

“I struggled to get into this. It’s very high-level/top-down. More about the strategy of building a product team than about the practical nuts and bolts of doing the job. There’s a lot about building a team and interviewing people, and lots of interviews and quotes from people in the industry. If…”