Content tagged with “horror” under “My Library”
There are 4 item(s) tagged with “horror” in this section.
See items tagged with “horror” across the entire site.
Other tags used by these items: fiction, classic, anthology
“This is an anthology of every work of narrative fiction H.P. Lovecraft wrote, in order. (I say ‘narrative fiction’ because he apparently wrote a bunch of poetry that isn’t in this book.) I had always wondered about Lovecraft. I was familiar with ‘Call of Cthulhu,’ the role-playing game. Then a few…”

“Great novel. Does not read like it was written 121 years ago. Genuinely terrifying in parts. Suffers a bit in the middle as the characters run around London, and I got a little confused as to what they were doing. It turns into a bit of a detective story. I got the main gist of what was going on,…”

“So, here’s the thing – if you know the secret, there’s not much point reading the book. And everyone knows the secret by now – ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ has become a common idiom. But back when this was published in Victorian England, no one knew the twist, and it was probably a hell of a surprise in the…”