Activity 6: DAM vs. CMS

For each scenario below, simply state whether or not you think this is something a web CMS could do, or something you might need a dedicated Digital Asset Management system for:

  • You need to associate an image with a news article
  • You need to upload an existing archive of 5,000 images
  • You need to be able to edit video segments online
  • You need to be able to crop images online
  • You need to process all uploaded images into five different file formats
  • You need to provide a third-party firm with access to specific marketing resources
  • You need to make sure images are deleted when their associated content is deleted
  • You need to make sure an image can’t be deleted if it’s assigned to an article
  • You need to tag images based on their content
  • You need to allow your designers to access the images from the repository from their desktop publishing tools

If you’re unsure of the answer, tell me what aspects of the scenario make you unsure.